What is Love? #1 Part A | You Don't Understand what Love is | Dating and Relationship Coaching!
What if I told you learning how to Love a woman and Loving each other is NOW Possible?
You are right! Men and Women are completely radically different when it comes to Romance, Love and every day communication.
We literally use 2 different parts of our brain to process communication. And what this does is change the meaning to the exact words we are both using. Thus she is saying A but he is hearing B because he is processing the same words she says through the left brains linear, logical processor!
And our Mating systems are connected to 2 different parts of our brains!
And the way a man expresses his Love is not the way a woman receives Love!!
We are a Train Wreck in the making before we ever get started! But there is a Powerful, Powerful Series of Absolute Answers!
Follow this video series and find out!!
Good Luck Everyone!
If you need Coaching to learn how to use these discoveries in How to Love a Woman and understand each other in a very, very Powerful way with clarity contact me!
Thank you!