Sirius Star | Shine Bright you are the Light

"Shine Bright - You are the Light!"

Sirius Star shining brightly in the dark night sky

Last night I went for a walk late at night when it was it's darkest. And all I could see was the darkness. I began to look up to the moon and stars and they were crystal clear and super bright shining through the darkness... Such Clarity....

And then I looked at the houses with the cutest, tiniest, brightest shining crystal clear bright white Christmas lights happily shining, smiling, penetrating through the nights darkness....

And then I got it....
You are "THE LIGHT" shining through the darkness...

All that space is dark but you are a shining light because the energy of the Universe is concentrated inside of you shining brightly like Nuclear Fusion full of Light and Energy!

Your "Light" Your "Energy" can not be stopped by the Darkness. Because you are as Powerful as a Concentrated Shining star in the night....

So if you are surrounded by Darkness, remember that's when you are Shining the Brightest!


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