"What is Crack the Female Code?"
Crack the Female Code is a set of Hidden Unconscious Patterns that "Literally" Trigger her mating system. That Turn her on & make her want to be with you; creating Romance, Love & a Powerful Seduction she can't resist!
There are Hidden Codes and a series of Unconscious Patterns that I Reveal in my course that will clear up a lot of misunderstandings between men and women.
Create a Deeper Understanding of Love.
Come Learn how to Succeed with Women
* A little Secret Mother Nature "Literally" hid from the Male Brain that makes her Fall In Love all over again with you!!
These are the Most Powerful Teachings you will ever learn about The Art of Loving a woman!!
(These hidden teachings are not taught anywhere in any other course.) These are Powerful Teachings & Secrets Mother nature hid from the Male Brain that I learned from a Laotian Monk, Buddha Kham, whom I studied under for 8 years. He was the Key to my understanding women & Myself on a much Deeper level!!!"I am a Communication, Love & Understanding Expert"
Simple, easy to understand ways to Actually Understand women so you can learn how to Get a Girlfriend and learn how to Find a Wife!
Yes, this is me teaching Buddhist Monks communication; from Laos.
That's Me Teaching the Monks in the temple!
This course will Literally Open your eyes to what you've been missing your entire life!!
Save your Marriage
Heal your Heart and Hers
Meet the girl of your Dreams
What I am about to reveal to you, will Shake the very foundation of everything you have ever thought, believed or perceived about women. And this will Awaken you to the World of "And & Both" and introduce you to your True "Internal Power!"
There's a Hidden Power Within You
This is a complete and total Mind Shift & Change in Perception!
Have you ever seen a cat chase a mouse? Well, this is exactly what we are going to be doing with her. There is literally a trigger that triggers the Cat & Mouse game inside her and will make her Go Crazy for you! This is the funnest and most exciting part of the Game for her! She literally can't resist this! Come learn how to Be "Irresistible!" If you are chasing her, calling her, buying her gifts and paying for dinner, then you are doing it all wrong! You are Blowing it Big time!! And she will eventually Leave you & resent you for it all! Nothing pisses a woman off more than a man who relies on paying for drinks, dinner, flowers, etc. to get her into bed. Trust me, I will show you how to get her to "Happily" chase you all the way into the Bedroom. There is a Very specific way that I teach in my course that is not taught in any other course out there! This is one of Mother Natures most closely Guarded Secrets to understanding women. This 1 thing makes is really easy!PART I. through IV.
(Videos will play consecutively)
Buy my Newly Released Book

Get the Girl & Keep the Girl
In my Course I will teach you The Art to Easily & Comfortably Open up and Carry Conversations with women. With this teaching you will realize how easy it is to feel comfortable with women once you actually know how to communicate with her in the Female's Right Brain's Language! It Draws her in to you! All the doubt and confusion will literally disappear & turn into a much more comfortable and empowering experience. Once you know the Secret Patterns to talking to women, you will be Surprised at how easy it is to open, talk and carry on Long conversations with women. Yes, I am going to teach you a Hidden Secret Set of Unbelievably Simple and very Basic Patterns that will make it easy to talk for hours. And they will make you look like a Communication Expert in her eyes! Not to mention, this is 1 of the Core Secrets to Seducing her heart and turning her on sexually!!

Keep Her Interested Past the Initial Contact
Learn how to Create Undeniable Sexual Attraction by Knowing The Secret to triggering the female mating system! In my singles pickup courses, we teach you the Core of what it is she Truly wants and needs from you in order for her to feel attracted to you mentally, emotionally and sexually. The Good News is, it's not negging and it actually builds you up instead of cutting her down! This Massively Flips the tables and changes all the rules! And puts the Power Back into your hands in a way that entices her to Seduce you! Meeting Girls is Easy Once you Know How 
How to Feel Comfortable & Relaxed Around Women
I will show you how to Relax around women and understand women in a way that will Lead to more Dates, more Intimacy and a lot more fun with her!Be The Guy She wants to Talk Intimately With
Have the Power to Turn any woman on within minutes of talking to her! I Will "LITERALLY" teach you the Master Code to triggering her Mating System that will make her Go Bonkers for you and make her want to have sex with you NOW!!!! There is Literally a Key To triggering her Mating system that flips the switch to making her want to have sex with you!Learn the Hidden Secret to creating a
Powerful Sexual Attraction she can't resist!!

Make her Chase you, Literally!!! I'll Show you how!!!
Be Powerful With Women
"Women actually wonder why men don't use this form of Romantic Seduction"
Soon This will be You!
Be the Man She Trusts Because you Understand her Heart!
The Power of Understanding women will change your life!
I will teach you the Secret to being on the same page as her so she truly knows you understand her!
How many times have you heard a girl/female say, "We are not on the same page." "He's not coming from the same place!"
See, the Secret is knowing how to access a certain part of your Brain to enter into her world. So you begin to process, communicate and think literally on the same page, in the same way as she is doing!
You do this and she will surrender to you willingly!
Because this is what she has always been looking for in a man!!!
Now this is the Mastery of My Course Right here!
For women, there is a completely different way of actually understanding her and making her feel understood, which makes her feel very comfortable and open with you!
Welcome to the Next Evolution in Dating, Relationships and Love!
There's a Secret that I teach in my course that teaches men how to finally Understand women from the Females perspective so you don't have to memorize lines or openers. This is the Key to Romancing a woman's heart and filling her with Love!!
We have created and developed the easiest way to approach, meet and attract women to you. This takes all the pressure off of you and her! And makes it really comfortable to meet all the girls you want.
And we have also created the easiest way to learn how to actually talk to women, carry a conversation and comfortably know what to say next to lead her into a romantic connection with you…