I am reading a great business book recommended by a Business Consultant who charges $1,000 an hour. It's called Blue Ocean Strategy. I highly recommend it!
Where I am at, it's asking a Key Question. "Which Factors should be raised well above industry standards?" My course answers this question.
In my Industry you are constantly fed what to do and how to do it but not about the #1 most important thing! Because they don't know how to do it and are not aware of what it is. Most Dating and Relationship courses teach you rules. Lots and lots of rules of what to do when and where, etc.... But not 1 single dating or relationship course teaches you how to
The Love & Relationship Industry has Completely Failed you in this area. And it's the #1 thing you have to understand if you truly want to understand how to Love the opposite sex.
What I specialize in, is helping men, to Understand Women, by opening up to their right brain, THE FEMALE BRAIN, so they can understand her from her perspective.
Yeah, sounds pretty cool doesn't it? And smart!
See, if I tell you what to do when and a set of rules to follow that's not understanding. And that's what she needs most from you!
NO!!! I did not say, "Be Understanding". I said and mean to "Actually Understand her from her perspective." And the way you do that, is by completely shifting your perspective. By learning how to open up to your "SELF" by "LOOKING WITHIN!" By processing communication, body language and the world around you from the "Internal" perspective! This is Understanding to a Woman!
You need to learn how to "Literally" Shift your entire awareness and be aware from the opposite way of what you would ever think in a million years. It's called the "Internal Way!" It's not something cool to say or cute or an interesting phrase, it has a literally meaning and way of doing.
The Left brain is the Male brain. This processor is the "Linear/External" Processor. The Right Brain is the "Non Linear, spacial / Internal" processor Notice "External vs. Internal". See, when you go to all those love and relationship seminars and trainings and read those books on Love and relationships and how to save your marriage, you are totally missing out and missing the mark completely, absolutely and totally!
How did that last sentence make you feel? Solid, grounded, whole and complete connection within! How did that sentence make you feel? You say, "Huh?" Let me tell you something, to a woman, those would make her feel... You say, "Huh?" "What?"
Trust me, I am not speaking Gibberish, but I am speaking the Female Language.
Yes, there "Literally" is a language called the "Internal Female Language." Here's basically what is happening. The right, female brain processes words through the emotional processor. Thus she is feeling what you are saying. And her mating system is directly connected to the right brains communication processor. Thus she is turned on and Romantically Seduced by the Right Brains "HIDDEN LANGUAGE!!!!!!"
Not money! Not cars! Not Diamonds but a hidden form of communication which also included body language, right brain body language, not male, left brain body language. Not proper English but rather the opposite!
When you, as a male go to one of those relationship seminars, you are processing their words and teaching and body language in your logical left, male brain. Which means, you are Totally misunderstanding what they are attempting to teach you.
You are literally hearing the opposite of what they are teaching. Just like when your wife it trying to talk to you... Your Brain literally processes all of the above in the wrong or with the wrong processor.
The IBM Type Linear, Logical, Left Brain Male External Processor. This is why men and women can't and "DON'T" Understand each other!
Cuz She's using the Right Brains, Apple type, Non Linear, "Internal processor, the expansive processor!! And her mating system is connected to this processor / side of the Brain, the Right Brain! Logic turns her off sexually!!!
#1 women absolutely demand that you speak in the "Internal" Language. Why? So she can Freaking understand what in the hell you are saying to her!
Yes!!!! She doesn't understand you!!! And you don't understand her.
#2 Because her heart can not receive love in any other way than the Female Internal Language way!!!!
#3 Because there is a Hidden, Seduction that is so Romantic, So passionate that she will melt like Butter in your hands if you are just willing to learn how!!
Please don't wait until your are divorced before you take my course??? 90% of all my clients are men who have taken all the Love and Relationship courses and have read all the books...
They all come to me almost on average, 2 years after they have been divorced for the 2nd or 3rd time!!! And all of them say the same thing... "If I had taken your course, I would still be married. This is what my wife was trying to get me to understand."
You were hearing it / processing it in the wrong brain.... Bless you all... and Best Wishes, Sincerely...
Start Here with My #1 Best Seller | Crack The Female Code