Awesome New Testimonial on my #Dating Tips Book "Crack the Female Code"
Here is one of the Best Emails I just received from someone who just bought my book and finished "ONLY" the first 2 parts!! He bought my book "Crack the Female Code" with a Package deal which also includes the Bonus section, and my New Book on body language, how to know if a girl likes you made simple "Sex Signals" mike thanks for the quick reply.
If you Buy 1 Book in Your LIfe time this is the Book "Crack The Female Code!" This is an Elite Dating and Relationship Coaching book on Dating Tips, Relationship Coaching and Romantic Seduction! A Hidden form of Seduction Power!
I downloaded the mystery revealed 1 and 2 and bought the Ultimate Package that had the sexual body language book also. so I need all but the first 2. and btw I just got done with both books......Fucking Incredible I feel the Power in me already its strange! and all my relationships with women now make perfect sense.
I found you through youtube. I am a self hypnotist and I was looking for information to create my own trance inductions and found your videos. For 2 days now I've slowly read these parts of the book and have designed a script for my hypnosis tracks. dude if you want men to get this easily, automatically and integrate it so its natural for them I recommend creating 2 trance with an alpha brain wave isocronic tone or binary beat and one with a delta brain wave track.. the alpha track is done in the day and will put them in the alpha state automatically and the delta track plays while they sleep.
Romance, Love and Seduction! It's all Here!
Buy Our #1 Best Seller Now! | Crack The Female CodeJust fill them with suggestions that you pull from the book. offer them as downloads with your book. Thanks bro! You are the man! Raaaaa!!!!
- Eric Mercedes, Master Hypnotherapist, Michigan
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