The Most Important Thing is Love

"The Most Important Thing in the World is Love"

Yes, "The Most Important Thing in the World is Love" 

I Know, I Know... Love has Hurt you, Badly! 
And now you have your Shield up! And because of that you won't let Love in like you use to! 


The Most Important thing yet the Most Misunderstood thing on the Planet, "LOVE!"

The Most Important Thing in the World, Love!

The Next Most Important thing is Communication.

The Next Most Important thing is Understanding.

Because without Communication you Can't Have Understanding.

Without Understanding you can't have Love.

Through Communication you have Understanding.

Through Understanding you have Love! 

Together through Love, Communication & Understanding, You have everything you have always wanted in Life!

And that is why we are here!

We Are Here to Live and Thrive and to Get the Most out of this thing we all Call, Life!

Even though I don't know you, I sincerely Love you!

When I was a child. And I mean a little, little child, about 3 or 4 years old. 

I had the worst thought go through my mind. I thought, "What if the Entire World, all the People died?"

I know. What a Massive thought for a young child. 

Well, when I was a little child, I would sit in the Kids TV, Play Room down stairs on Saturday mornings when it was quiet, by myself. And I would look down at the track for the sliding glass Door in the warm, morning sunlight. And I would  just ponder and ponder Deep thoughts, and then I would look up into the Beautiful, Crystal, Clear Blue Sky. And I would have the most amazing thoughts go through my mind... 

And this was one of them.

Sad, yes... Deep, yes... 

That Thought Terrified Me and Saddened me to such an extent that I thought, "What if I could Die to replace that? So no one has to Die!" 

And I cried and cried for weeks... the thought never left my mind or heart...

Well this thought and watching my mother and father fight and cry for years kind of guided my life to look for the Answer to Love & Understanding. 

I knew as a very young child, life was to short to live fighting and arguing and hurting each other.

Turns out it's all inside The Art of Communication. 

Yes, Art! Love, Communication & Understanding are all an Art that must be nurtured, taken care of and carefully payed attention to.

There are many, many facets of Love!

And Understanding is one of them. 

Even Understanding has so many different Facets within itself! 

And then there's Communication. 

Hahaha... now this is not going to be easy. Because Communication is one of the most complicated yet simplest things we do. There are Facets within Facets within Facets of Communication alone. And because it seems simple, it, communication is Completely misunderstood. 

For men, Buckle Up! Because I Promise you, this is going to be a Bumpy, Bumpy Ride!

Because this is going to Challenge everything you have ever known about... NO! This is going to Absolutely Smash and Obliterate everything you "THOUGHT" you knew about women  and relationships!

You are going to learn something so Powerful that it will shift everything you have ever known, seen or heard about the opposite sex! 

The Door is about to be Opened! 

To your Heart! To your Mind! To Understanding women for the first time in your Life! 

And it will Smooth out and become simple once again, but from a place of Clarity, Understanding and Love, including Compassion! 

You're going to smile again, you're going to laugh again! And Together you will Live this Life from your Hearts through Understanding.

For Women, This is going to be the Answer you have been Looking for! This is going to be one of the most joyous and Rewarding Experiences of your Lives! 

You are finally going to Understand what is going on.

This course is going to Heal your Heart of so many Misunderstandings and hurts and fill that Emptiness within.

In a way it's almost as if we have been on this spaceship for a long, long ride looking for the answer to our Heart's Desire, Love!

And we Found it!

I promise you, what you are about to Learn is going to change your Lives and help you Open up to Love Once again! 

What I am about to show you is going to change your Lives!

And through you we are going to Change the World! 

This is our Lives.

And this is our Destiny!



I'll see you soon at an upcoming seminar and training on Love.


Mike Kollin


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